Angela Hahn’s Bunny Yoke Pattern Available Now!

Posted on | August 21, 2011 | 5 Comments

I was hoping the next time I posted I’d have some knitting progress of my own to report, but alas, I’m stuck in a bit of a rut. My top-down design with Canopy Fingering is languishing a bit as I try to decide what to do about the hems. I’ve knit and ripped out several iterations already and the project is currently on a brief time-out while I try to decide what to do next.

But as lazy as I’ve been, my friends have been industrious.  Angela just released her adorable bunny yoke pattern the other day.  She gifted this crazy cute pullover to my daughter Olivia, who was born in the year of the rabbit.  I love the whimsical and inventive yoke of bunnies at play.  Today I managed to coax a little smile out of her and snapped two quick modeled photos.  And while the sweater is still a bit big for her (which means it’ll be perfect for the fall and winter); at 5 months, she’s an easier model now to photograph then when I first attempted to take pictures.



I wish the yoke was more visible; since it’s still on the big side, it tends to get scrunched up in places.  I’ll try another set of photos in a few months.


5 Responses to “Angela Hahn’s Bunny Yoke Pattern Available Now!”

  1. Lisette
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 10:30 am

    What a beautiful baby! Enjoy her!

  2. Maryse
    August 22nd, 2011 @ 10:29 pm

    So. Cute. I look forward to see you new design! But take your time, no rush, life is good! ;-)

  3. Angela
    August 27th, 2011 @ 10:03 am

    I just saw this post!– we’ve been on the sailboat for a week, scurried home yesterday ahead of the storm. What a charming smile Miss O has! Hope she gets lots of wear out of her bunnies this fall.

  4. Gail
    August 29th, 2011 @ 10:16 am

    She is adorable!

    But as a mother, I also thought: baby + white coach = ….

    Hope you are safe and dry (post-Irene)

  5. KarenJ
    September 15th, 2011 @ 6:53 pm

    Looking at your doll smile made me smile back!
    Maybe you could just lay the sweater flat for a quickie photo so we can see the design clearly. Baby and Bunnies, both beauties!

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